Thursday, July 14, 2016

Compare and Contrast

Social media creates many different influences on teenagers in the world today. Positive and negative  influences were seen in both of the articles that I read. In the first article, it showed how risky behaviors are broadcasted through social media, and although it might be against your personal preference, it just seems like the right thing to "like" it. It also specifies how the teenage brain isn't fully developed, therefore they are easily influenced when it comes to things that are being done because other peers are doing it. Regardless of the effect social media gives, it is likely that if a group of teenagers are doing it, more will follow. Nearly 90 percent of teenagers use social media and that is their way of expressing how they feel, rather than using old fashioned gestures. This was more for the impact period of social media, whether it be positive or negative. (Nutt 1)

In the second article, they used statistics on both the negative and positive influences that social media has on teenagers. There are mixed feelings when it comes to what social media is capable. It gave statistics that half of students feel like social media has helped them progress as a person and in their friendships, as others feel like it has hurt their relationships. It states how social media can put the lives of teenagers in danger because of the amount of information is that being put out there. The negatives and the positives in this article basically even out and it shows how teenagers feel about the influences that social media has on them. (Kang 1)

Personally, I believe social media can have a positive effect on teenagers but has more of a negative effect. It can be positive because teenagers feel like they possess a certain freedom which allows them to be themselves even though they are behind a screen. It is a way for people to interact and get to know each other, which can lead to the negatives of social media. Bullying, online predators and having too much information out can lead to serious dangers. Meeting up with people online can change a persons life forever. Also, not all people are who they say they are, which leads to even higher dangers. There are positives and negatives when it comes to social media and how they can influence the lives of teenagers in the world today.

Nutt, Amy Ellis. "'Like' it or not, teen brain is primed to join the crowd." Washington Post 2 June 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 July 2016.

Kang, Cecilia. "Teens in Survey Paint Positive Picture of Effect of Social Media on Their Lives." Washington Post 26 June 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 July 2016.

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